Hello, and welcome to our blog. We are a group of students interested in gender in sport and will be looking at various topics related to the challenges and biases that both sexes face in participating in professional and amateur sports. Our posts will discuss topical issues such as attitudes, inequality, discrimination, sexualisation and other matters relating to gender and sport
We would appreciate and encourage any feedback from our readers.
Please see below for bios from the contributing authors:
Katie - I am a sociology student with a love of sports. I participate in social sport only and am an avid sport watcher who is looking forward to celebrating the Rabbitohs 21st premiership in October. I love many sports, but particularly NRL but am starting to expand my interest in AFL (when Carlton start winning!) and various other sports.
My academic interest lies in the interaction between sport and social factors, including education, culture and race etc. I believe that sport has the power to change lives and enact social change. I watched in tears of joy when countries fielded their first female Olympians at the London Games and am inspired by the story of Nelson Mandela using rugby to unite a nation. I hope to explore the roles of gender in sport, particularly around attitudes and social change. Gender in sport is a big issue, and, as both a woman and a sport lover, I look forward to exploring this further!
Shannon - I am an avid all-round sports fan, but my favourites include AFL, netball and swimming. I participate in netball at a local level and am the President of my netball club. My involvement in a predominantly women's sport highlights the fact that, generally speaking, there is significant imbalance between professional women's sport and that of their male counterparts. I am interested in discovering the reasons behind this imbalance and whether or not any of it can be justified.
Beth - I am a coaching and exercise science/Sport management student. I have been interested in sport from an early age and have had a family that encouraged that. I have mainly been involved with individual sports including swimming, cycling and running (but not an actual triathlon yet!). I am interested in further exploring the topic of gender in sport and hope to gain some valuable insight from participating in our group blog.
Tash: I am studying Sports Coaching and Exercise Science, and Sports Management and am a mad keen sports nut! Sport is my passion! Ever since I was tiny, I have been running around with a ball, bat, racquet or club in my hand and I wouldn’t have it any other way! I played netball for 13 years, having competed for clubs, schools and representative teams. During high school, I competed for the school in every sport they offered, you name it, chances are I played it. When I left school I switched sports and began playing AFL. I am now finishing my 4th season, and love every moment of it! It was easily the best decision I've made! Aside from this, I find myself helping coach the youth girls AFL team, which has been very challenging but I love it all!
Learning wise, I am very passionate about females in sport and the role they play. No longer is it acceptable for society to pigeonhole males as athletes and females as administrators/managers, etc. Females are just as important on and off the sporting fields as males, and I would love to work on raising the profiles and portrayals of women in sport and forcing that culture shift that is long overdue! The main thing I would love to share with everyone that I come across in the sports field is that sport has so much to offer each and every person, and that you should grab every opportunity given to you with both hands. Sport can lead us to incredible things if we just believe in it but most importantly, ourselves.